Unleashing the Power of Sisterhood: How Women in Business Can Lift Each Other Up

It takes a village! We’ve heard this phrase used when starting a family, but it is just as important when starting a small business. The power of sisterhood for entrepreneurs and small business owners is undeniable. Though the business world can be cut-throat and often rewards an individualistic mindset, by embracing the power of peer support, you can gain powerful opportunities — to learn from failures, celebrate successes, see new perspectives, expand your network, and gain emotional support. 

The right sisterhood will have your back and keep you motivated on your most challenging days, and will fill you with joy on those days worth celebrating. The power of sisterhood will make you a stronger, more confident leader and a better entrepreneur who understands that guidance, encouragement, and connections are just as essential as the skills that built your small business. There are many ways to lift other business leaders up, from mentorship to making connections. And like many things in life, the more love and support you spread, the more love and support you will receive in return. 

Here are some ways you can lift other women in business up and unleash the power of sisterhood in the process. 

Make Connections

There are some women who are natural networkers. They love to meet new people and to make connections. If this is your gift, lean into it when it comes to business. Some women struggle to network, and your ability to introduce like-minded women is a superpower. Whether you know people who share industries, challenges, or goals, or simply have similar personalities — making time to connect them not only builds their community, it also strengthens your sisterhood. You can connect people via social media or in-person, and hosting networking events is a great way to make connections quickly and efficiently. 

Joining programs that support entrepreneurs through networking events and meetups is also a great place to make new connections. Elevate by Grameen offers women small loans from $500 to $2,500 for first-time borrowers to start or grow their small businesses. In addition to small loans, they also host virtual weekly meetups with your group and Grameen America staff to make loan payments, continue your education, and build peer support networks.

Spread the Word

“Surround yourself with women who would mention your name in a room full of opportunities.”

Don’t be shy about spreading the word about other women’s success and to mention their name when opportunities arise that align with their business and their mission. Shout it from the rooftops and make some noise! Be a spokesperson for small businesses you love and entrepreneurs who you want to see thrive. Share, like, love, and comment on posts and announcements from other entrepreneurs to amplify their reach. 

Additionally, consider hosting or participating in collaborative events, webinars, or social media campaigns that highlight their work. By actively promoting each other's achievements, you not only help them gain visibility but also create a powerful network of mutual support and opportunity. Your advocacy can be the key to unlocking new doors for those around you, fostering a culture where everyone’s success is interconnected and celebrated. This is the power of sisterhood. 

Share Your Resources

Sharing your resources can significantly impact fellow women entrepreneurs. First, offer insights from tools, software, or strategies that have worked well for you. Whether it’s a project management app or a time-saving technique, your recommendations could be incredibly valuable to someone else navigating similar challenges. Additionally, starting a blog is an excellent way to offer support and guidance based on your experiences. Platforms like Wix make it easy to set up a blog where you can share tips, tutorials, and personal stories that could help others in their entrepreneurial journey. Your blog can become a valuable resource for those seeking advice and inspiration. 

Another way to share your expertise is by participating in online discussion boards and forums. Engaging in these communities allows you to offer guidance, answer questions, and provide support to other entrepreneurs. By actively sharing your resources and knowledge, you contribute to a collaborative environment where everyone can benefit from collective wisdom and experience.


Mentorship can be a transformative experience for both the mentor and the mentee, especially for young, Black women entrepreneurs who may benefit from guidance and support. If you have valuable experience and expertise, consider stepping into a mentorship role to help others navigate their entrepreneurial journey. Here are some ways to get started:

  • Join a program like SCORE. This nonprofit organization connects small businesses with volunteer mentors, including both active and retired executives, across 62 industries. By becoming a SCORE mentor, you can offer tailored advice and support based on your unique experience.

  • Another avenue is through Women Business Centers, supported by the Association of Women’s Business Centers. These centers provide a robust network of resources, including mentorship, training, and business development opportunities, specifically designed for female entrepreneurs. Volunteering your time with these centers allows you to directly contribute to the growth of emerging women-led businesses.

Consider leveraging your own network, both online and in-person, to create mentorship opportunities. Reach out through social media platforms, industry events, and community groups to offer your mentorship. Engaging with aspiring entrepreneurs in these spaces not only broadens your impact, but also helps create a supportive community where women can lift each other up and succeed together.

When one of us wins, we all win! The power of collective success is profound, especially when we actively support and uplift each other. Surround yourself with women who would mention your name in a room full of opportunities, and reciprocate by amplifying their achievements and sharing valuable resources. Engage in mentorship to guide and inspire the next generation of women entrepreneurs, offering your experience and knowledge to pave their path. By spreading the word about their successes, sharing your resources, and becoming a mentor, you contribute to a thriving ecosystem where everyone’s growth is interconnected. 

Remember, every time you lift another woman up, you are also elevating your own potential and fostering a community where success is a shared journey.


Building a Stronger Network: The Power of Community Support for Black Women Seeking Capital